OPS Launches Recurring Payments Feature

A new string to our bow
The Open Payment System has a great new feature called Recurring Payments - making collecting regular payments from your customer even easier.
What does it offer?
At its heart, Recurring Payments allows you to set up as many scheduled payments as you like, for any amount, over any period. These payments are automatically created and taken after being agreed with your customers.
While traditional PDQ systems have limitations in that each payment has to be taken manually, OPS makes it even easier to collect these from your customers. It is this versatility which sets the Open Payment System apart from its rivals.
Therefore, not only does this free you from the tedium of processing each payment individually, but this also makes it highly cost effective to your business.
It's that simple; there is no further activity required once we have set you up because this will now become embedded into your product. No longer will you need to manually input payment details on each occasion as this is all done via our automated system.
All Open Payment System customers will automatically receive this fantastic new upgrade as part of their existing service.
Stay in control
The benefits of OPS and this recurring payments feature, however, is far more widespread than simply providing a more advanced method of taking on-line payments. Indeed, the beauty of it is that is takes away the threat of ever missing a payment as, should the payment bounce, OPS will notify you through an exception report.
If that wasn't enough, we will also send out automatic reminders a specified number of days before payment is attempted, in order to remind the customer of their agreement with you.
Finally, with security being so integral to any on-line payment system, to ensure the utmost in Internet security, no credit card details are stored on our system.